and receive a tax receipt
Registered Canadian charity # 119088557 RR 0001 -
Canada Revenue Agency: canada.ca/charities-giving
Pender Island Community Church has set up a way for you to send donations electronically by auto-deposit. There is no need to send or answer any coded questions. The money will go straight into the main church account without any need to contact a person.
- The recipient is Pender Church
- the email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
A small bank fee (perhaps $1.50) may apply if you don’t bank with a subsidiary of First West Credit Union (Island Savings is a subsidiary). The first time you donate this way, please be sure to include your address in the message section for a tax receipt.
- Place your cheque in the offertory box (no envelope required), or
- Mail it to the church: 4405 Bedwell Harbour Road, Pender Island, BC V0N 2M1.
- Your cheque already has information for a tax receipt.
Please place your cash offering in an offertory box at one of the entrances to the church. If you are visiting only once or occasionally, write your name and address on an envelope to obtain a tax receipt.
Otherwise, if you come regularly, please see the treasurer to be assigned a serial number. Use the numbered envelopes provided, or write this number on your offering envelope. The number just means you won’t have to write your name and address every time.
Do not seal these personal envelopes because you can reuse them.
We greatly appreciate all offerings. Some of your money will go towards the upkeep of our heritage building (built in 1907), but most of it will help support local and national charities and the preaching of the Gospel.